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5 Principles For a Perfect Interior Design

Interior Decoration Tips
5 Principles For a Perfect Interior Design 

  • The principles of the interior design are the ways we organize or arrange the elements of the interior design to create a sense of stability in the interior design as a whole.
  • These principles we use to evaluate any piece of interior design whether it is good or bad , perfect or normal .


  • Balance in interior design is all about the distribution of the items or objects in a room to create that sense of visual balance.
  • And if the room isn't well-balanced it affects the harmony of the interior space.
  • Balance happens when each element of the design creates together a unity.
  • There are 3 different ways balance can be achieved :
1. Symmetrical Balance
2.  Asymmetrical Balance
3. Radial Balance

1. Symmetrical Balance :

  • It is the easiest way to achieve balance in interior design and also a safe method to create that feeling of equilibrium by mirroring the objects a long a central axis.
  • In a more simple way symmetrical Balance divides the space into two equal part.
  • It makes the design looks simple and creates a sense of stability and calmness.

2. Asymmetrical Balance :

  •  Asymmetrical design is achieved with an odd number of elements and the items in the space are balanced without duplication. 
  •  The two sides of the space are not exactly the same, but appears visually balanced. 
  • Asymmetrical balance makes for a more relaxing and lively interior spaces
  • Asymmetrical balance relies more on the eye's sense of balance to complete the design equilibrium.
  • Asymmetrical interiors are more likely to feel more dynamic because in these spaces a lot of items are working together to create a sense of balance..
  •  This form of balance can be more hard to do. It just requires a perfect eye for design.

3. Radial Balance :

  •  When exists a central focal point with other elements radiating from it or around it, this is the radial balance.
  •  Radial balance is almost circular and there is distributed arrangement of items around a central point either extending outward or inward.
  •  The central elements of a radially balanced room like the dining table and the chairs around it become the immediate focal point for the space.
  • The circular furniture placement extend out of the central round coffee table and makes the space looks comfy and balanced. 


  • Space is the area in and around our items or furniture
  •  Seeking a perfect design involves arranging design elements in a space.
  • The distance or area between, above, around, below, or within things. 
  • In other words our spaces has 3 dimensions : length , width and height.


  • Focus is the importance placed on a part of a unique piece of furniture or a piece of artwork.
  • Focus is used to centre the user's attention.
  •  It simply means that every room or a space has a clear focal point.
  • Focus can be created by contrasting elements so that they attract your attention. 
  • A fireplace is the most common interior focal point.  
  •  An artwork or a large piece of furniture can also be a focal point in a room. 
  •  Interior design elements like color and texture can also be used to add emphasis to a focal point. 
  • In a clearer way focus is interpreted in the interior design as the first thing my eyes went to when I saw the room design. It could be a wonderful ceiling or an amazing texture or pattern or even a fabulous piece of furniture or artwork.


  •  Rhythm is a visual flow : the eye should be able to flow smoothly across the space.
  • It is the regular repetition of lines, shapes, or colors that create a movement through interior design spaces.
  • It can be used to create a sense of movement in, through or around a design. 
  •  The repeated elements and the spaces between them make patterns that we can recognize as rhythm.
  •  Every pattern have some sort of rhythm. 
  • This helps to give a visual harmony by creating unity in interior spaces.
  •  Examples include the repetition of similar shapes, colors , items or textures.
 * Rhythm can be accomplished through 3 means :

1. Repitition :

  • The repeated use of specific objects of decor elements. 
  •  Repetition is the simplest way to make rhythm and can be achieved by repeating any of the elements of interior design (line, color, texture and pattern, light, and scale and proportion) or other design elements in a regular way.

2. Alternation :

  •  Alternation is used to create rhythm by alternating two or more elements in a regular pattern. 
  •  The pattern may be ABCABC or ABBABB but always repeating in the same order.

3. Progression :

  •  Interior design elements that placed according to size from smaller to bigger ones, or perhaps according to the gradient of their colors.
  •  Rhythm can also be achieved through progression. Examples are a gradation of color or a series of objects that begin small and then become larger and larger in a very regular way.


  • Unity is achieved when all of the different elements in a design work together .
  • So when each elements has a clear visual relationship to one or more other elements, the composition is unified.
  • A unified design is greater than the sum of its parts ; the design is seen as a whole firstly, before the other individual elements are noticed .
  • Unity can be compared to harmony,integrity or wholeness.
  • When the unity is done perfectly the whole design doesn't give any sense of cluttering or confusing but gives a sense of quality and well-organized work.
*Unity can be achieved through :

1. Alignment :

  • Alignment consists of arranging elements so that their edges are lined up.
  • The common alignment allows the eye to group those elements together.

2. Similarity :

  • Repeating colors, shapes, values, textures, or lines creates a visual relationship between elements, called correspondence.

3.  Repetition  :

  • Repetition is based on grouping by similarity ; elements that are similar visually are recognized to be related.
  • Any element can be repeated such as line, shape, color, value or texture as well other things such as direction, angle or size. 
  •  Repetition helps unify a design by creating similar elements and is one of the most effective ways to achieve unity.

4. Overlapping  :

  •  Overlapping design elements can contribute to unity by creating a relationship between separate elements.

5. Proximity :

  •  Proximity is based on grouping by closeness; the closer elements are to each other, the more likely we will see them as a group. 
  • Proximity is one of the easiest ways to reach unity.

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